Meet Kameron Southerland, SVA’s Digital Infrastructure Associate

Meet Kameron Southerland, SVA’s Digital Infrastructure Associate

by | May 6, 2024 | Movement Building

Where are you from?

Jacksonville, Florida


How did you get into movement work?

I got into movement work kind of through an unconventional path. In college, I was involved in a Christian ministry that used a lot of grassroots organizing tactics to build our base and spread our message. After leaving that context, I found that I had a lot of skills and a lot of heart for this greater justice in the world.


What made you want to begin digital organizing work?

I was coming to understand ways that my brain operated and ways that my brain excelled–and that was in patterns, systems, and technical knowledge.  I had previously been doing more creative work, and I had come to a point where I wanted to explore this other side of my abilities with technical things and systems. I wanted to learn to create, whether that be through code or other more artistic things. Being on the digital team appealed to me because it was a way of combining this new interest with movement work, which I had already been doing


What are some of your dreams for this role?

I want to see most, if not all, of our sponsored projects feel comfortable using digital tools in their movement work. A lot tech can seem so far away and out of touch for people. A dream of mine is to connect with our community and show them that it is within reach. 


What is a project you’re currently working on that you’re excited about?

The digital team and I are implementing open hours on Fridays for sponsored projects and grantees to come through and just to ask any questions about anything tech or digital-related. I’m finding a lot of joy in thinking through and implementing ways to encourage people to come to those and for the team to begin connecting with people and helping bridge the access gap.

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