Organizing Beyond Survival

Visions from SVA and our Partners about the Future of our Movement

In these critical times, SVA is in the midst of some exciting evolutions. We’ve launched our strategic vision for 2025 and beyond. We’ve vastly expanded our staffing, supportive services, and frontline funding. We’ve planted roots with aligned partners in South Carolina.

Welcome to Organizing Beyond Survival, a collection of narratives, oral histories, thought pieces, and reports. We invite our partners to reflect with us: In the years to come, what’s it going to take to disrupt and transform power?


Meet SVA’s new interim ED, Joshua Vincent

Meet SVA’s new interim ED, Joshua Vincent

On February 1, SVA welcomed a new interim Executive Director, Joshua Vincent. We couldn’t be more excited for Josh’s leadership. Josh has served as a Board Chair since SVA’s inception and is deeply committed to our values and strategy. He brings two decades of...

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Our Southern Vision, Toward 2025 and Beyond

Our Southern Vision, Toward 2025 and Beyond

In 2009, North Carolina held off-year, local elections. With only 5% of voters turning out, Art Pope, a millionaire backer of small government and anti-migrant think tanks, financed a slate of candidates to take over the Wake County school board.

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