Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Project Program

SVA supports groups, projects and campaigns working for environmental justice, anti-racism, women’s rights, youth empowerment, LGBTQ rights, worker’s rights, civil rights and disability rights that address social change through community organizing.

Southern Vision Alliance provides fiscal-sponsorship to groups, projects, and campaigns that have a long-term vision for equity social justice and have alignment around the following core values and principles:

  • Movement first: less ego, more impact; Ella Baker school of leadership 
  • Movement work that is multi-racial, multi-national, multi-gender, multi-generational, and accessible in terms of language, physical ability, child/family-friendly, etc.
  • Intersectionality, solidarity, and self-determination
    • The centrality of an anti-racist analysis as part of addressing power and oppression in the US South
    • Center the leadership of the most directly impacted 
    • Support local leadership and opportunities to build alliance across geography and communities 
  • Power through base-building, organizing, collective action, and deep leadership development which seeks to directly confront the root causes of oppression

How to Apply

Prospective Fiscally-sponsored Projects must meet the following criteria to be eligible:
  • Must be located in the US South (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas) 
  • A focus on grassroots organizing, activism, and long-term social change (not social service work)
  • A clear understanding of the root causes of the problem they are working to resolve
  • A priority for developing leadership from within the affected community
  • A priority for collaboration and developing collective strategies to achieve total liberation
Southern Vision Alliance does not provide fiscal-sponsorship for:
  • Organizations or programs whose primary work is around healing or social service/direct service models*
    • Academic research that is not connected or directed by a strategy to advance a grassroots campaign
    • Capital campaigns or building projects

    *We recognize the significance of healing justice and social service/direct services. These are areas of work that are also crucial to sustaining our organizers and our movements. Unfortunately these are areas we cannot provide support to unless they are connected to power building work we define as base-building, organizing, collective action, and deep leadership development. We recommend organizations working on these projects to seek support from organizations that have more experience in this area.  We are happy to share contact with organizations that may have better opportunities for alignment.

Current Sponsored Projects

 Black Workers for Justice
Black Workers for Justice

The BWFJ is an organization of Black workers formed in December of 1982 out of a struggle led by Black women workers at a K-mart store in Rocky Mount, North Carolina against race and gender discrimination. After organizing a boycott of the local K-mart store and reaching out to workers at other workplaces and communities, Black workers and community activists from 10 counties met at the First Missionary Baptist Church in Fremont, NC in December 1982 to form BWFJ as a statewide organization.

Community Alliance for Public Education
Community Alliance for Public Education

Community Alliance for Public Education (CAPE)‘s mission is to build capacity and support leadership development of parent-led, educator-led, student-led and community-led organizations, and to create collaborative spaces in which all people can dream, strategize, and fight together to win the schools we all deserve.

Comite De Accion Popular
Comite De Accion Popular

Comite de Accion Popular es un espacio para juntos aprender y tomar accion.

Carolina Youth Partnership Coordinator Fund
Carolina Youth Partnership Coordinator Fund

The Carolina Youth Partnership Coordinator Fund is a committee that provides administrative support to the Carolina Youth Power Fund (CYPF). The overarching goal of the CYPF is to connect as many young people to resources to support ideas and projects that actively take up civic and social justice issues. Young people between the ages of 13-25 and those leading organizations supporting young people may apply for grants of up to $1000 to fund an event or project.

Dangers of the Mind
Dangers of the Mind

Dangers of the Mind are the disrupters of the school-to-prison pipeline, by empowering underserved young students, as well as parents and community, through Social/Emotional Learning.

Durham Beyond Policing
Durham Beyond Policing

Durham Beyond Policing is a grassroots campaign to divest from policing and prisons and reinvest municipal resources into supporting the health and wellbeing of Black & Brown community in Durham, NC. ICE and police out of our neighborhoods!

Good Neighbor Movement
Good Neighbor Movement

The Good Neighbor Movement, started in 2017, is a Black-led, multiracial, queer-affirming alternative spiritual community that is inspired by the revolutionary life and ministry of Jesus, and drawing from diverse religious and wisdom traditions, to cultivate intentional relationships, work collaboratively, and pursue justice with diverse neighbors in Greensboro and beyond, to create inclusive, local communities that are abundant, just, and whole.

Feed Durham
Feed Durham

Feed Durham is a mutual aid collective and community love project based in Durham, NC. This year we are disrupting root causes of hunger, and distributing our organizing blueprints to sustain hundreds of thousands of people across the South. We’re distributing groceries to folks, installing raised garden beds for families, developing a food demo and plant medicine web series, hosting outdoor photo shoots for unhoused folks that will allow them to walk away with framed or laminated photos of themselves/their families, and working with community to connect our neighbors with essential resources.


Movement to End Racism and Islamophobia
Movement to End Racism and Islamophobia

The Movement to End Racism and Islamophobia (MERI) is a network of North Carolina-based organizations. We have a mission to end racism and Islamophobia by building a movement that challenges all forms of oppression. We work with folks and organizations from every background to uplift all marginalized voices. Since we launched this network in early 2015, we have grown to a network of 15 organizations and have organized forums and actions throughout North Carolina.

El Futuro Es Nuevo (It's Our Future)
El Futuro Es Nuevo (It's Our Future)

El Futuro Es Nuestro (It’s Our Future, or EFEN) arose in 2021 out of a desire to transform the farmworker union FLOC into an organization that is once again led by its members and actually represents and protects workers.

We fight for the labor rights of farmworkers. We are the next generation of organizers. We work binationally to bring dignity and justice to our members in the fields of North Carolina and beyond. We protect worker rights under contract or not. We are the future.

Robeson County Cooperative For Sustainable Development
Robeson County Cooperative For Sustainable Development
Robeson County, along with much of North Carolina and the country as a whole, is experiencing an affordable housing crisis. Robeson County Cooperative For Sustainable Development is working together as a community to resolve this issue in ways that are just, workable, and respectful. In our collective search for solutions, we must always take into account the rights, dignity and perspectives of all individuals affected.


Ready the Ground Education Fund
Ready the Ground Education Fund
Ready the Ground Education Fund (RGEF) supports c3-compatible work of Ready the Ground Training Team (RGTT). RGTT strengthens movements for social justice in North Carolina, primarily through offering training in nonviolent direct action and marshaling. RGTT prioritizes efforts that build power and grow leadership of communities of color and other oppressed communities.


Red Tailed Hawk Collective
Red Tailed Hawk Collective

 More information coming soon.

tilde Education Fund
tilde Education Fund


Tar River Education Fund
Tar River Education Fund

More information coming soon.

Refund Raleigh
Refund Raleigh
Refund Raleigh’s mission is to promote and encourage people to organize against police violence and all forms of exploitation, imagine people-centered solutions to societal problems, and demand Raleigh Defund the police and Refund our city.
Fruit of Labor
Fruit of Labor
Fruit of Labor Cultural World Center’s mission is to provide our community members – youth, women, students, workers, immigrants, elders – an enlightening, comfortable & fun cultural and social justice educational experience using music, art, food, exercise, film, dance and empowering culture and fellowship. To provide the best empowering cultural & educational experience that can help engage and empower our community and each community person. To raise social and political consciousness as we educate each other in a fun environment. To treat you as a guest in our “community living room”. To create a comfortable home for engaging our community members in social justice efforts as to create trans-formative power for the betterment of our community.
Serenity Fund
Serenity Fund

The Serenity Fund provides infrastructural support to the Serenity Hill Retreat and Training Center, a 501c3 nonprofit entity organized for educational and charitable purposes: to provide space for social justice leaders to rest, to connect with others across sectors of the movement, to hone ideas, and to connect with the land. This Center seeks to join with and complement sister endeavors across the region and the Global South.

Providence Omnistructure
Providence Omnistructure

Providence Omnistructure is a social enterprise delivering connectivity for abundance. The Providence solution is an innovative clean energy combination of market collaboration, social investment, emerging technology, and regional deployments that provide for the quick and continuous delivery of high-performance internet and resources to every under connected user, on a sliding scale, for no more than $50/month.

Southern Workers Assembly
Southern Workers Assembly

The Southern Workers Assembly is a voluntary organization fighting for social justice. SWA believes Workers are the only social force that can challenge the capitalist class, force changes and redirect society towards social justice. We seek to organize the unorganized workingclass across the South. We are the bedrock of our communities. We are a social movement. The SWA believes that engaging and uniting rank and file and un-unionized workers in the US South around democratic principles of social justice unions is critical to building a politically conscious and transformative US workers movement.

Visibility Outreach Touch Engage
Visibility Outreach Touch Engage

Visibility Outreach Touch Engage (VOTE), Inc. aims to deliver the country’s founding principle “for the people, by the people” through authentic narratives, or storytelling, and relevant communication channels and methods. We inform, engage, and mobilize new audiences to take action through education, advocacy, and the promotion of trusted messengers, meaningful communication, and dynamic, intentional tactics.

Grounded Possibilities
Grounded Possibilities

Grounded Possibilities exists to connect Black artists in NC with the knowledge and resources necessary to do impactful and cultural-focused environmental justice work.

South Carolina Housing Justice Network
South Carolina Housing Justice Network
South Carolina Housing Justice Network is a multiracial, multigenerational grassroots coalition that believes housing, healthcare, and a living wage are human rights. We came together during the pandemic to imagine and work for a healthy, thriving, and livable future for all South Carolinians. Our purpose is to support tenants in organizing against evictions, foreclosures, utility shut offs and other inhumane living conditions. We do this through direct action, mutual aid, resource sharing, base building, and political education. Our goals are to build tenant unions, expand community control of housing, and increase tenant rights on a local and state level as part of our broader demand for an economy and government that prioritizes people and the planet above profits. Ultimately, we work to push back against and transform the systems that force people into poverty and homelessness.
The WELLS Healing Center
The WELLS Healing Center
The WELLS Healing Center promotes wellness, equity, love, liberation, and survival for people experiencing oppression. We aim to enhance personal and collective wellness through providing training, direct healing services, and engaging in activism informed by scholarship and scholarship informed by activism.
Together through these mechanisms, and using a Black feminist framework for healing, we
enhance wellness at the personal, relational, and collective levels.
NBLM Rosa Parks Education & Organizing
NBLM Rosa Parks Education & Organizing
NBLM Rosa Parks Education & Organizing mission is to serve as an educational, organizing, and fundraising program for the National Black Liberation Movement (NBLM) National Unity Initiative.
The main goal is to educate and organize a process of building national unity among all organizations working for justice in the Black Freedom Movement. The work is to oppose and change the impact of colonialism, white supremacy, capitalism, imperialism, and patriarchy on the national Black community specifically and all oppressed communities generally.
Iximché Media
Iximché Media
Iximché Media is a digital content and audiovisual production agency based in Durham, NC. We believe that stories cultivate community and that narratives transform how we see the world. We focus our lens on the stories often left out of the frame because every community, every person, has a story to tell. We develop independent projects and also offer services on commission for the media, nonprofit organizations, institutions and individuals. With roots in Guatemala and North Carolina, we cover stories all over Latin America, the U.S. and beyond.
Movement Labs
Movement Labs
Movement Labs is an incubator and consulting firm using technology and experimentation to stop fascism and build progressive power. At Movement Labs, our mission is to build a country that works for everyone. We use data, technology, and experimental methods to lift up individuals and communities that have too often been ignored, creating a more representative and fair democracy.
Priorities Intention Practical Exchange (PIPE)
Priorities Intention Practical Exchange (PIPE)
Priorities Intention Practical Exchange (PIPE)‘s mission statement is to educate, advocate, assist and provide support for the current and formerly incarcerated, as well as fight against injustice.
Poder NC Education Fund
Poder NC Education Fund
Poder NC Action’s mission is to increase electoral participation of Latinx folks by building community around shared values to make them feel seen, and to grow their sense of self-efficacy in order to disrupt historic and/or inherited mistrust of government. Poder NC Action was founded in an effort to create a progressive-values based organization that could serve to build year-round civic and leadership power of Latinx folks in our state. Poder NC Action is proudly pro-Black, pro-Latinx, pro-LGBTQ+, and pro-Reproductive Justice.
NC Latinx Collaborative
NC Latinx Collaborative

The mission and vision of the NCLC is to offer funding, support, and resources toward a North Carolina that has: increased voice and leadership of Latinx communities in all sectors, well-resourced and resilient organizations serving, led by, and accountable to Latinx communities, strong connections and collaboration among Latinx organizations across the state, vibrant intersectional work among Latinx and other communities so that there is a healthy, inclusive and strong infrastructure to promote equitable outcomes for all North Carolinians.

Muslim Women For
Muslim Women For
Muslim Women For is a Muslim women-led and serving grassroots organization based in North Carolina. Our vision is to build power in Muslim communities across the state, centering the voices, lives experiences, and histories of Black, brown, queer, immigrant and working class Muslim women. We believe in building power at the grassroots. With so much at stakeforour community on issues we care about immigration, job justice, housing, sexual and reproductive health – it is critical that we organize Muslims in North Carolina.
Pride Liberation
Pride Liberation
The Pride Liberation Project is an entirely student-led LGBTQIA+ advocacy organization that works to build safe and inclusive schools through intersectional political education and student mobilization.
Afloral Herb Collective
Afloral Herb Collective

The Aflorar Herb Collective is a collective of folk herbalists, herbal enthusiasts, artists, gardeners, and community organizers working to relearn and remember our
traditional ways through herbs, connection to the land, and healing through Chicanx, Latinx, Black and Indigenous traditional practices and values.

Rootz Durham
Rootz Durham
Rootz Durham’s mission is to cultivate and foster collective healing through movement, art, knowledge and culture that ensures marginalized communities are self empowered to have the skills, knowledge, and resources to thrive.
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