Request for Proposals: 

Queer Mobilization Fund Capacity Building Contractor

Release Date: 7/10/23

Submission Deadline: 8/07/23

Project Summary

The Queer Mobilization Fund (QMF) seeks a contractor/s or small firm to work in conjunction with 2023 QMF grantees to provide technical assistance (TA) and capacity building for Southern grassroots QTBIPOC organizations throughout the 2023 grant cycle (September 2023- February 2024). TA and capacity building generally focuses on strengthening organizational capacity of grantees via a custom intake and planning process to support groups in identifying goals, meeting individually with grantees over the grant period to implement goals, and tracking progress via internally provided spreadsheets and documents. Contractors can expect to work with up to 10 grantees, with the total number of hours per week varying depending on how often groups are able/want to meet. The goal of technical assistance is to build the capacity of grantee organizations to strengthen and build the power of QTBIPOC-led organizations in the Southeast.

Project Scope

This project will begin September 1, 2023 and run through February 16, 2024.

Contractors can expect to work with up to 10 organizations simultaneously, though the entire cohort is roughly 50 grantees. Please check out the list of our 2022 grantees to get a sense of the amazing and wide scope of the groups we work with. Hours of work with assigned organizations will vary depending on the needs and goals of each organization. Contractors should expect to meet virtually at least once per month with their groups and plan for time needed in between meetings for planning, research, and development of training materials. Deliverables will fall within the following areas:

  • Using a provided assessment tool to gauge initial/current status of organization
  • Meeting with an organization and identify the top 3 capacity building needs/goals of the organization
  • Creating a plan and timeline to achieve goals
  • Utilizing provided internal tools to track progress
  • Writing a summary of outcomes and achievements for each group

Contractors will be expected to utilize established systems/processes within SVA/QMF to complete and track their work and will be given access to internal documents and tools that are typically used to work with grantees for TA. They will also be set up with accounts to support the internal tracking and processes already in use by QMF/SVA to track work including but not limited to Google Drive, Slack and Powerbase.

Because the context of this work is done within highly politicized organizing landscapes, contractors will also be expected to keep strict confidentiality between themselves, QMF staff, and grantees about the content of their conversations with grantee organizations unless explicit permission is given by QMF staff and/or the relevant grantee organization to share information.

While hours may fluctuate depending on grantee needs and interests in technical assistance, contractors should not expect to exceed 40 hours per month in this position, not including potential travel time.

Organization Background

Southern Vision Alliance (SVA) is a justice centered, values-based “grassroots intermediary” organized to provide incubation, infrastructure, capacity building, coaching, and technical assistance to frontline organizing projects, leadership programs, and collaborations led by directly-impacted communities in the US South.

We are an anchor for frontline groups and leaders to disrupt and transform power for collective liberation. Our offices are based out of Durham, NC. Please learn more about SVA via our website and our Strategic Direction for 2025 and beyond.

The Queer Mobilization Fund (QMF) is a grassroots capacity-building re-granting fund prioritizing and supporting QTBIPOC on the frontlines of struggle for freedom and liberation to build power for and within queer communities in the US Southeast. This program of SVA supports our strategic direction to 1. Incubate Grassroots Organizations and initiatives and 2. Mobilize resources for rapid response, interventions and long term organizing.

QMF provides grants ranging from $5,000- $10,000 annually to a cohort of QTBIPOC led organizations across the US South. We prioritize funding grassroots trans led, BIPOC led, and rurally located groups, first-time grant seekers, and experimental projects with budgets under $300k. All grants come with (optional) technical assistance in the form of one-on-one support as well as access to a cohort of peer organizations. Cohort and group capacity building activities include an annual virtual grantee gathering, a workshop series, and an Executive Director/Leadership Roundtable.

Project Overview

The Queer Mobilization Fund (QMF) is a unique source of financial and organizational infrastructure resources for QTBIPOC organizations in the US South. QMF can almost be considered an entry point for many organizations and projects that have never had a grant before and/or are often turned away by larger funders due to systemic factors that cause them to be overlooked for funding (ie. historical exclusion to accessing resources, not having a 501c3 nonprofit status, being too new, not having internal organizational infrastructure or track records in managing grants, not having other funders, etc.) Much of these factors boil down to lack of access to resources and other opportunities. Most of the QMF grantees hold values, beliefs and visions of creating another world outside of existing structures.

Southern Vision Alliance is a base building organization whose mission as a grassroots intermediary is to incubate organizations and initiatives and mobilize resources for long-term organizing. We prioritize funding groups who emphasize base-building, hold aligned values with SVA/QMF, and who are doing work to organize for change in their communities.

Providing resources such as Technical Assistance with grant awards is a strategy to build the capacity of small, grassroots organizations and increase the power and visibility of QTBIPOC-led work. Further, technical assistance work with QMF grantees varies widely depending on the stage of development of the organization, the goals and needs of the group, and the various factors that pop up over the course of a grant cycle that impact the work of these organizations. Many of the QMF grantees do not have budgets to sustain paid staff, and are mostly volunteer run- or have limited staff capacity (1 or 2 people). They often do not have the infrastructure of a larger, more established nonprofit organization. Though we do utilize strategies and approaches from established nonprofit best practices, many QMF grantees are seeking support for running organizations in creative and alternative ways while still remaining legally compliant.

Technical assistance typically takes place virtually, though there may be a possibility for at least one in-person visit per group. While QMF practices technical assistance through a coaching lens, approaches to TA vary and can range from sharing resources such as websites, articles and handouts to leading workshops and/or facilitating meetings. Developing customized training materials and providing trainings are common requests. Many times, TA providers are seen as people to confide in, vent frustrations to and to utilize as a thought partner (especially for upper leadership). While TA providers are encouraged to share their knowledge/wisdom with groups they work with, QMF encourages technical assistance providers to use coaching skills to help guide grantees to their own thoughts and decisions about their organization. We seek to accompany groups through the organizational challenges they are facing by providing support, encouragement, and asking questions to draw out the solutions to those challenges from the groups themselves. It’s more of a facilitative role than an instructional role.

QMF seeks a contractor/s or small firm to work collaboratively with 2023 QMF grantees to provide technical assistance (TA) (also known as accompaniment) and capacity building support for grantee organizations throughout the grant cycle (September 2023- February 2024).

Skills & Qualifications 

We are looking to engage contractors who have the following skills and qualifications:

  • Training and/or certification with executive coaching (3+ years field experience is also accepted)
  • Deep understanding of and extensive experience working with QTBIPOC communities and their needs
  • Demonstrated ability to collaborate effectively with QTBIPOC led grassroots organizations
  • Knowledge of the South and the issues facing Southern QTBIPOC communities
  • Knowledge of both nonprofit/organizational development best practices as well as experience with nontraditional organizational structures and processes
  • Ability to work remotely
  • Sufficient technical knowledge to facilitate virtual spaces and meetings
  • Ability to travel for in-person meetings with assigned grantee groups across the US Southeast (frequency tbd and based on budget availability)
  • Broad-scope knowledge of different topics pertaining to organizational development, leadership development, solidarity convenings/gatherings, healing justice, and creative liberation
  • Bilingual English/Spanish preferred but not required
  • Well versed in social justice issues and background knowledge around intersectionality and oppression
  • BIPOC and Queer/Trans/GNC individuals are encouraged to apply
  • Individuals currently residing in the US South preferred


  • 7/10/23 Release of RFP
  • 7/31/23 Deadline for Questions
  • 8/07/23 Proposal due date
  • 8/7-25/23 Interviews
  • 8/31/23 Approval of Contract


Proposal Guidelines & Requirements

This is an open and competitive process. Proposals received after 8/07/23 will not be considered.

Please include the following with your proposal:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Resume (including resumes from any sub-contractors you will be working with as part of the proposal)
  3. Project Experience (please list specific examples of projects that are similar to this if not included in resume)
  4. Budget (please include rates for travel)
  5. Conflict of Interest (if applicable)

Compensation & Rate Schedule

The proposal should include a detailed budget of the number of contractor hours needed to fulfill the scope of work and a current hourly rate for the contractor and  any subcontractors. Rate schedules must include rates that will be effective through February 2024.  Once a contractor is selected and a contract is executed, all invoices from that contractor must include detailed line‐item billing, including a description of the task completed, the cost of the task, and number of hours billed for the task, per team member.

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