Black Life Response

Black Life Response

With community, Black Life Response co-creates altar spaces and rituals that are publicly created and curated spaces for remembrance, reflection, & celebration. By tending community altars and ritual spaces, Black Life Response taps into lineages and traditions of memorials and mutual aid within the city, disrupts the white-washing of Black and Creole neighborhoods, and claims space for affirming Black Life. Heading into 2021 and 2022 energized around our residency for Black TGNC+ Artist/Organizers. We are founded and rooted in profound and lasting celebration of Black Life, Love, Liberation, and Legacy. We draw from radical traditions of cultural and political organizing in Louisiana, building a more just future for all. An explicitly abolitionist collective, at the core of our work is the end of the police state and all systems of white supremacy. We offer direct, improvisational responses to injustice, forging new paths for participation and creative uprising. Our ongoing work in organizing, curation, education and creative praxes, challenges us to continually reinvest in peer development and lateral leadership structures.

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