#SixNineteenth: Defend Black Lives on Junteenth

On Juneteenth, the Southern Vision Alliance sends our solidarity, love and rage to the movement that is boldly confronting white supremacy and anti-Black racism in its many forms. 

Our communities are facing two pandemics – COVID-19 and racism. Building power in the streets, in our neighborhoods, in our schoools, and in our workplaces is critical. Like so many, we are encouraged by the uprising that has broken out across the South and across the country – in large cities and rural communities – ushering in a new period of struggle led by young people, Black folks and people of color, women, queer folks, migrants, and that is uncompromising and visionary.

We are circulating the following message from the Movement for Black Lives. Please use the information below to find and join an action near you, to read the guiding principles of the SixNineteen mobilization, and more.

It’s a day to celebrate freedom. And this year, we’ll collectively act for freedom to #DefendBlackLives.

There are more than 400 events on the SixNineteen event map! You can browse all 400+ events, including 75 virtual events, on the SixNineteen event map.

Here are a few things to do before, during, and after the event to make it a success.

Before your event:

  • Read the #KnowBeforeYouGo COVID-19 Health Guidance. Then make sure you have the materials necessary for safer protest, such as a mask and hand sanitizer.
  • Review the principles guiding the SixNineteen mobilization. Be prepared to deescalate conflict to make sure we can meet the first principle, “we keep us safe.
  • Post your event on social media! Use the buttons on your attendee page to share on Facebook at Twitter. Do an Instagram Live to say why you’re attending SixNineteen. Whatever works for you.
  • Bring a buddy! It’s generally  better to attend an event with someone else—safer, bigger crowd, more fun! Maybe you can recruit them with your IG-Live 🙂
  • If you’re attending a virtual event, make sure you have the link to the event! You might need to RSVP for the call on a different platform (eg: directly on the Zoom link listed by the host as the “venue.”) If your event is taking place on another platform, make sure you have the relevant app downloaded and installed. And set yourself up with a good internet connection, a charger or good battery life, and the like. Finally, make sure you go to the bathroom before the call!

At your event:

  • Post on social media again! Let everyone see how powerful your event is. Use these hashtags to be part of the conversation: #SixNineteen, #DefendBlackLives, #BlackLivesMatter, #DefundThePolice.
  • Remember the SixNineteen demands: 1) Defund the Police; 2) Invest in Black communities; 3) Resign, Donald Trump!
  • Have fun!

After your event:

  • Get and stay involved! Follow up with the event’s host if there’s an organization they work with, and keep in touch with M4BL! We’re in it for the long run, not just the weekend.

Movements and political moments are related. You can’t have either one without the other. This weekend, we will come together as a movement to help define the moment we’re experiencing right now. And we’ll come out the other side closer to liberation for Black people, and closer to each other.

With love and solidarity,

Fresco, Movement for Black Lives

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