Request for Proposals

Strategic Planning Consultant

Proposals will be received until April 15, 2024


Project Objective: To develop a strategic plan for 2025-2030.

Issuing Organization: Southern Vision Alliance

Starting Date: May 1, 2024
RFP Issue Date: March 14, 2024
Proposal Due: April 15, 2024

Contact for further information: Elizabeth Simpson, co-chair of the Board,

The policy of the SVA Board of Directors is to solicit proposals with an honest intention to award a contract. This policy will not affect the right of the SVA Board to reject any or all proposals.


The Southern Vision Alliance is seeking consultant services for the development of a 5-year strategic plan. The project has been budgeted at $25,000-50,000.

Mission of SVA:

SVA supports emergent grassroots groups and efforts organizing for social, racial, economic, gender/sexuality, and environmental justice in the U.S. South. We build movement infrastructure, mobilize resources, and incubate collaborative solidarity.

Scope of Work:

The SVA Board of Directors is seeking a consultant to lead the Board of Directors and Executive Team through the process of developing a 5-year strategic plan. The plan will re-affirm SVA’s commitment to community and worker power and assist the organization to orient all our programs and supportive services toward this commitment. The process will build alignment among our Board, staff, fiscally-sponsored projects, and other stakeholders for a shared idea of what power building looks like in the current political moment, as well as a shared dedication to a strong and vibrant SVA culture that supports organizing nimbly and cuts bureaucracy and red tape. The process will evaluate and assess our current programs, sponsored projects, space usage, and other asset utilization for how it aligns with our stated commitments.

Questions we ask include:

  • Creating clear definitions to be used across the organization
    • community and worker power
    • power building
  • What is SVA’s core value add and what are our assumptions about how SVA’s support for Power Building will lead to change? What should we prioritize
    • How central are “campaigns” versus “alliance building” versus “rapid response/movement moments”?
    • What is our geographic focus?
    • Do we invest in all of the above? Anything else?
  • How do we measure success in the next five years?
    • What would it mean to “win”?
    • How do we know if we are on the right track?
  • What steps do we take to implement our commitment across programs and
    • Staffing
    • Fiscally-sponsored projects
    • Asset and space utilization
    • Special Initiatives
    • Internal processes
    • Fund mobilization & fundraising

The consultant will work with a Strategy Planning Committee and the Executive Director on the details of the strategic planning process, schedule of activities, and selection of background information.


A final strategic plan document must include, but is not limited to, the following in detail:

● A synthesis of an evaluation of current programs, sponsored projects, space usage, and other asset utilization for how it aligns with our stated commitments.
● A one-page document with frameworks and definitions of community and worker power that can be used to create alignment with existing and future partners
● A strategic priorities document with measurable outcomes, deliverables, and action steps that staff and leadership can use to guide the work of the organization over the next 5 years. The document should make recommendations for how to measure progress on the identified goals. The document should also answer the above questions.
● Answers to the above questions
● Action steps for 2025 and beyond to implement our vision on every operational level
● Feedback from core funding partners to inform future fundraising planning

Crucial dates: June 26-29, 2024, Our Southern Summit convening in Durham, NC

Timeline: 4-6 months

Selection Process:

The Strategic Plan Committee will review all proposals. In evaluating proposals, price will not be the sole factor. The Committee may consider any factors it deems necessary and proper, including but not limited to: price, quality of service, response to this request, experience, staffing, and general reputation. Consulting firms and/or consultant that are led by women, BIPOC, and/or LGBTQ+ persons are encouraged to submit a proposal. The final decision rests with the SVA Board.

Information Required From Respondent:

Please provide the following information. Proposals should not exceed three pages:

1. Description of activities to be delivered by consultant to meet scope of work defined in the RFP

2. Brief resume of individual(s) responsible for conducting activities related to the strategy/transition planning activities

3. Specific fee for this work

Proposal Review and Assessment:

The Strategic Planning Committee members will review and evaluate all proposals. Proposals will be evaluated on the clarity of the plan to guide the organization through the strategy and transition planning activities in the timeline identified in this RFP.



About Southern Vision Alliance

Southern Vision Alliance (SVA) is a justice-centered values-based “grassroots intermediary” organized to provide incubation, infrastructure, capacity building, coaching, and technical assistance to frontline organizing projects, leadership programs, and collaborations led by directly-impacted communities in the US South. We anchor frontline groups and leaders to disrupt and transform power for collective liberation.


SVA is headquartered in Durham, NC, and supports a diverse cohort of fiscally sponsored projects and groups across North Carolina.


People of color, people with disabilities, women, and LGBTQ+ candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. We are committed to a diverse workplace and to supporting our staff with ongoing career development opportunities.


SVA is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discriminatory employment actions and treatment against employees and applicants for employment based on actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, disability, and/or past incarceration.






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