Full Weekend Schedule

Time Friday June 7
9:00 -10:00 Check-in / Registration – Morris Center
10:00 – 12:00 Welcome-Bienvenida: As Rooted as the Trees-Morris Center
12:30-1:30 Lunch-Morris Center

1:00 pm-Move into Cabins

1:30-3:00 Block 1
Financial Compliance Session
Presenters: AJ and Abby
SVA: Practices & Tools to Keep Your Data Safe
Presenter: P’alante Jamila Khan & Jessie Lee; Ben Carroll
Intergenerational Organizing: Creating Space for Youth Involvement

Presenter: Ignite NC and Youth Organizing Institute

3:00 – 4:30 Plenary:
My Healthy Organization: Getting our House in Order &

Strengthening our Organizations

4:30 -6:00 Block 2
Doxing Mitigation and Prevention
Presenter: P’alante Jamila Khan & Jessie Lee; Ben Carroll
Publicity and How we use our shared tools
Presenters: SVA Communications Teams and Sponsored Project Guests
Story Collections-share the story of how you got involved with SVA
Presenters: Cynthia Greenlee and Saif Wideman
6:00 Dinner-Pavilion Report backs and Announcements
9:00 Artifact Sharing: Story of SVA, camp fire, and sing along










Time Saturday, June 8, 2019
7:00-8:00 Morning Nature Walk-Nadeen, meet at Morris Center
8:00-9:00 Breakfast-Morris Center
9:00 -12:30 Plenary:
Welcome/Bienvenida, Morris Center

As Rooted as the Trees: Exploring our Histories
Freedom Strategies: What might be possible?

Facilitator: Allison Porter

12:30 -1:30 Lunch/Break
1:00-2:00 Outdoor Activity:

Canoeing / Swimming Pool

2:00-6:00 Plenary:
Freedom Strategies:

Emergent Planning for 2020-Morris Center

Facilitator: Allison Porter

6:00 Dinner and t-shirts, Morris Center
6:45 Group Picture, Wear your t-shirt
8:30 Campfire, outside


Karaoke and Talent Show, Morris Center (until 11 pm)



Time Sunday, June 9, 2019
7:30 Physical Activity
8:00-9:30 Breakfast

Check-outs of room

9:30 -10:00 Opening: Story tellers Share

Presenters: Cynthia Greenlee and Saif Wideman

10:00-11:30 Block 3
Financial Compliance Session
Presenters: AJ and Abby
SVA: Practices & Tools to Keep Your Data Safe
Presenter: P’alante Jamila Khan & Jessie Lee; Ben Carroll
Story Collections-share the story of how you got involved with SVA
Presenters: Cynthia Greenlee and Saif Wideman
11:30-12:00 Summation & Closing
12:30 Lunch, Morris Center

Clean up and hit the road


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