Thank you for your interest in the COVID-19 Community Response Grants. To date, we have re-granted over $100,000 to 250+ efforts across North Carolina and South Carolina. As we prepare for the next wave of this crisis, we are taking a pause on accepting new COVID-19 applications. Please come back to this page for future updates and announcements.


The Southern Vision Alliance’s Frontlines Leaders Fund is eager to move small grants to as many grassroots efforts as possible organizing in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This crisis is highlighting the real lack of public infrastructure capable of prioritizing human needs over profit. As hundreds of thousands of people face uncertainty, we are relying on the resilience of the human spirit to care for and check on each other. 

We are also relying on each other to get organized and build power to transform the institutions which currently hold power to sideline the most vulnerable in our communities. This power building work has to begin at the most local level and allow people to connect with each other.

As such, we are opening up the COVID-19 Community Response grants. These are small grants of up to $500 to neighborhood-based and local organizing efforts in response to COVID-19. Priority will be given to efforts led by workers, LGBTQ people, youth and students, Black people and people of color, rural communities, disabled people, migrants, and families.

The opportunity is open to grassroots organizations, groups of individuals, and individuals. You do not need to be 501(c)3 or 501(c)3 sponsored but funds must be used in compliance with 501(c)3 guidelines. 

When: Now and as funds remain available 

Where: North Carolina and South Carolina 

How: Fill out this form with your contact information and give us a basic breakdown of how you plan on organizing in response to COVID-19, and let us know if your plans align with our basic platform (learn more about this platform here:

  1. Healthcare is a human right and no person should be denied care and treatment;
  2. Housing is a human right and no person should be homeless, live in fear of eviction or displacement;
  3. All of our families matter; parents and caregivers must be supported regardless of family size, citizenship status, gender, ability, and sexual orientation 
  4. From domestic, city, and healthcare workers to retail and service workers, contractors, and educators: All workers deserve livable wages, benefits, safety, dignity and protection;
  5. ICE does not keep our communities safe or resolve a broken immigration system; migrants and refugees have the right to live free from fear; 
  6. No human should live in a cage and prisons are not the answer to the challenges facing our society;
  7. Democracy must work not just for corporations and the elite few who can pay to have their profit-driven agendas prioritized, but for all of us.

Some examples of projects we are looking to support (not an extensive list):

  • Supplies and materials for mutual aid projects 
  • Promotional and educational materials addressing intersections of COVID-19 crisis and issues of racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia, xenophobia, etc 
  • Virtual meetings convening community members to plan and strategize 
  • Developing and experimenting with tools or resources that allow marginalized communities to stay connected during a crisis

*Activities cannot include any campaigns for or against political candidates. Activities cannot be conducted for the purpose of personal benefit. 501(c)(3)s have limitations on how much activity can be conducted to influence legislation.

Make a Donation

If you are a foundation/grantmaker seeking to make a grant, or wish to send a donation by check, please fill out this contact form and indicate your foundation’s interest in granting to our Frontlines Leaders Fund.

If you’d like to make your donation on a recurring monthly basis, please click here.

Headquartered in Durham, NC, Southern Vision Alliance is a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization, donations are exempt to the extent provided by law. SVA provides values-based administration and operations support to frontline groups and initiatives across the region. Your donation supports the programmatic work and the administrative operations that enable sponsored projects of SVA to thrive and comply with all legal and 501c3 regulations. SVA’s Charitable Solicitation License Number is: SL009123

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