Thank you for your interest in the Migrant Solidarity Fund emergency assistance grants. To date, we have re-granted $10,000 to migrant families in North Carolina. We are no longer taking applications at this time. Please come back to this page for future updates and announcements.


English Below

El Fondo de Solidaridad para Migrantes fue establecido para brindar ayuda mutua y asistencia de emergencia a migrantes impactadxs por la crisis de la COVID-19. Este fondo da prioridad a migrantes indocumentadxs que no pueden acceder a servicios sociales y programas de apoyo social. 

Ahora mismo, el fondo está dando prioridad a individuos y familias que viven en Charlotte y los condados de Mecklenburg o Wake. 

Esto es solidaridad, no caridad!  Le pedimos a aquellxs que busquen asistencia, que respalden la siguiente plataforma, aunque no sea base para recibir apoyo. 

  1. El cuidado de salud es un derecho humano y a ninguna persona se le debe negar el cuidado o el tratamiento;
  2. La vivienda es un derecho humano y ninguna persona debe estar sin hogar, o vivir con miedo del desalojo o desplazamiento;
  3. Todas nuestras familias tienen importancia; lxs padres/madres y lxs cuidadores deben ser apoyadxs sin importar el tamaño de la familia, condición de ciudadanía, género, habilidad y orientación sexual;
  4. Desde lxs trabajadorxs municipales, de hogar y de salud, hasta lxs trabajadorxs de comercio y servicios, contratistas y educadorxs: Todxs lxs trabajadorxs merecen salarios dignos, beneficios, seguridad, dignidad y protección;
  5. ICE no mantiene a nuestras comunidades seguras o resuelve un sistema migratorio; lxs migrantes y refugiadxs tienen el derecho a vivir libres de miedo; 
  6. Ningún humano debe vivir en una jaula y las prisiones no son la respuesta a los desafíos que enfrenta nuestra sociedad;
  7. La democracia debe funcionar no solo para las corporaciones y lxs pocxs élites que pueden pagar para que sus deseos con fines de lucro sean priorizados, sino para todxs nosotrxs.

El Fondo de Solidaridad para Migrantes ofrecerá pequeñas becas a medida que estén disponibles los fondos. Si estás interesadx en donar al Fondo de Solidaridad, por favor visita este enlace: 

Este fondo está coordinado por el Comité de Acción Popular, que tiene el poder decisivo sobre las subvenciones otorgadas. La infraestructura administrativa está facilitada por la Southern Vision Alliance y el fondo es parte de su Frontlines Leaders Fund. Y estamos muy agradecidos para asociarnos con aliadxs en el movimiento para desembolsar los fondos. 

Toda la información que nos entregas está almacenada en un servidor seguro. Nosotrxs nunca venderemos tu información a otras entidades para que den esta información a las autoridades.

Make a Donation

If you are a foundation/grantmaker seeking to make a grant, or wish to send a donation by check, please fill out this contact form and indicate your foundation’s interest in granting to our Frontlines Leaders Fund.

If you’d like to make your donation on a recurring monthly basis, please click here.

Headquartered in Durham, NC, Southern Vision Alliance is a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization, donations are exempt to the extent provided by law. SVA provides values-based administration and operations support to frontline groups and initiatives across the region. Your donation supports the programmatic work and the administrative operations that enable sponsored projects of SVA to thrive and comply with all legal and 501c3 regulations. SVA’s Charitable Solicitation License Number is: SL009123

Migrant Solidarity Fund: Mutual Aid and Emergency Assistance

The Migrant Solidarity Fund was established to provide mutual aid and emergency assistance to migrants impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. This fund prioritizes undocumented migrants who are not able to access social services and social support programs. 

As of right now, the fund is prioritizing individuals and families living in Charlotte-Mecklenburg or Wake County. 

This is solidarity, not charity! We ask that those seeking assistance endorse the following platform, but it is not a basis for receiving support. Learn more about this platform here:

  1. Healthcare is a human right and no person should be denied care and treatment;
  2. Housing is a human right and no person should be homeless, live in fear of eviction or displacement;
  3. All of our families matter; parents and caregivers must be supported regardless of family size, citizenship status, gender, ability, and sexual orientation;
  4. From domestic, city, and healthcare workers to retail and service workers, contractors, and educators: All workers deserve livable wages, benefits, safety, dignity and protection;
  5. ICE does not keep our communities safe or resolve the immigration system; migrants and refugees have the right to live free from fear; 
  6. No human should live in a cage and prisons are not the answer to the challenges facing our society;
  7. Democracy must work not just for corporations and the elite few who can pay to have their profit-driven agendas prioritized, but for all of us.

As of April 3, The Migrant Solidarity Fund has $25,000 to provide emergency assistance grants. The Fund will continue to provide small grants as funds are available. If you are interested in donating to the solidarity fund, please visit this link: 

This fund is anchored by Comite de Accion Popular, which have the decision making power over the grants provided. The back-end infrastructure is provided by Southern Vision Alliance and the fund is part of SVA’s Frontlines Leaders Fund. And we are grateful to partner with allies in the movement to disburse these funds.

All of the information you are providing to us is hosted on a secured server. We would never sell your information to a 2nd party to provide this information to authorities. We are committed to keeping your information secure. 

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