
A network of national and local groups are calling for coordinated national week of actions to topple white supremacy and state repression from September 11-17, in the wake of events in Charlottesville, VA and Durham, NC.

Tuesday, September 12, is the next court date for several Anti-Racist Freedom Fighters who were arrested in connection with the toppling of a confederate statue in Durham. It is the one-month anniversary of the righteous resistance to white supremacists in Charlottesville and the murder of anti-fascist protester Heather Heyer.

We are asking for folks to mobilize to Durham for the 12th and to organize local actions in their cities, campuses, and workplaces to topple white supremacy (statues, prisons, sites of police brutality, etc). 

The vision is to spark hundreds of actions and to mobilize hundreds of new organizers!

Click here to request support for your local action

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