Webinar: Organize the South! Southern Workers Lead the Way – Feb 23

Dear friends,

The Southern Vision Alliance invites you to join us for a special Black History Month webinar in conversation with the Southern Workers Assembly – “Organize the South: Southern Workers Lead the Way.”

The conversation will take place on Wednesday, February 23, at 6pm eastern time – you can register to join us here.

This webinar will feature workers and organizers from the Southern Workers Assembly, speaking about their work across the South to build local workers assemblies, workplace committees, and addressing broader questions around the task to organize labor in the South.

In particular, the webinar will take up:

  • Asserting workers power through building local workers assemblies
  • “Safe Jobs Save Lives” Campaign to demand safe working conditions in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
  • “Democracy in the Community and Workplace” to exercise working class power on the job and in the community, bringing together the workplace and community struggles

In 2022, SVA will host a year-long webinar series – the Southern Visions series – aimed at sharing perspectives from movements for change in the US and Global South. Through these conversations, we will discuss challenges and opportunities, ground our understanding of historical and current conditions, explore strategies, and put forward bold visions for transformation and building people’s power. We hope these exchanges will plant powerful seeds for frontline organizing.

By uplifting voices from US and Global Southern perspectives, this webinar series will highlight grassroots stories from guests steeped in frontline organizing. Our goal is to make these webinars interactive to all who participate, and accessible both synchronously and asynchronously.

We enter the new year amidst many challenges—from the growth of racist and fascist forces in the South and around the globe to the crisis of medical apartheid, brought to a head by both the pandemic and global capitalism.

As a people, we are facing increased precarity due to the absolute failure to address climate disruption, as well as escalating attacks on women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, migrants and refugees, and all working class people. More than ever, it is important to gather our forces to carefully discuss and then act upon strategies to build a stronger movement for transformation and liberation.

In addition to viewers being connected to concrete actions and next steps to support ongoing organizing, content from these webinars will be shared via social media, podcasts, and other media platforms. We hope you can join us!

In solidarity,

Southern Vision Alliance

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