Advancing our Southern Vision for Liberation

Greetings, SVA friends and comrades,

The political moment we face is one where democracy, safety, and economic stability lie in the balance between chaos and uncertainty and justice and unity. Moments of crisis like these represent both grave dangers and windows of opportunity for change in the U.S. South. As our struggles continue to endure locally, nationally, and internationally, so too does our determination and resiliency to fight for a collective future rooted in justice, accessibility, and liberation. In honor of the Black Freedom Movement’s rich legacy in North Carolina and the US South, SVA is dedicated to supporting a movement to abolish racism, establish just distribution of wealth, win gender and LGBTQ rights, achieve environmental justice, and other freedom movements.

Our sponsored projects in North Carolina are actively engaging their communities in the streets and encouraging the public not to remain complacent with white supremacy, patriarchy, militarism, and exploitation of bodies and labor. Across the South, our frontline fund grantees and the Queer Mobilization Fund are implementing creative interventions, sustained mentorship, and community-building programs to build power and address overlapping crises.

In order for us to make the politically impossible become the politically inevitable, SVA encourages our ecosystem to continue to be outspoken, daring and to build towards something bigger than what we already are. We are the ones we have been waiting for! We have a unique ability to tell stories, contextualize histories, and develop genuine human connections. Of course, change cannot come in one day, but that one day WILL come if we keep showing up and writing our own stories

In solidarity,

Southern Vision Alliance

SVA’s Statement in Response to Supreme Court’s anti-Abortion Decision

The overturning of Roe v Wade has immediate consequences for Black, Brown, and working-class people in the US South. Southern Vision Alliance and our affiliated projects will stand with our folks on the frontlines of the fight for the rights of the people to access abortions safely and without incident. Read our full statement to learn more about why this is state-sanctioned violence that will disproportionately impact low-income, rural, and young women of color and trans and nonbinary pregnant people.

People’s Solidarity Hub

Our new center based in Durham, NC, is now open, and we invite activists, organizers, and community members to gather and build collective power. This newly designed and constructed accessible building would not have been possible without the public’s support and generosity! We want to also thank SONG, Down Home NC, Muslims for Social Justice, Durham Beyond Policing, Feed Durham, North Carolina Climate Justice Collective, and NC Triangle DSA for testing out the space and giving us valuable feedback to help make it a functional environment for all. 

Have any questions about the space or want to learn more about how to book? Feel free to email us at

Queer Mobilization Fund

We couldn’t be more ecstatic to share our 2022 Queer Mobilization Fund grantees with you! This is our fourth cohort of grantees since QMF’s inception in 2016 as a rapid response fund to support community mobilizations and projects. Even though these groups engage in various frontline struggles for freedom and liberation, they are all unified by their dedication to uplift and build power for and within QTBIPOC communities in the US South. 

This year we granted out $125,460 to twenty-one groups, including two additional Technical Assistance grants. We encourage you to follow QMF’s Instagram so you can get to learn more about each of our unique grantees!  

Sponsored Project Spotlight: Black Workers for Justice

This month we are proud to celebrate Black Workers for Justice and their recent 40-year anniversary. They have long been a leading organization in North Carolina to advance the Black Liberation Movement and worker rights movements. BWFJ has been involved in important campaigns, including justice for the Hamlet Poultry Plant Fire, the launch of the North Carolina Public Workers Union (UE Local 150), the establishment of the North Carolina Environmental Justice Network, the establishment of Fertile Ground Food Co-op in Raleigh, the establishment of Southern Workers Assembly in the US South, and the launch of Refund Raleigh, to name a few accomplishments. (read the full blog post HERE)

SVA hosted BWFJ Freedom Fighters Shafeah M’Balia and Ajamu Dillahunt for a webinar where they shared their perspectives on the Black Liberation Movement, internationalism, freedom of political prisoners, and other social justice movements (see video HERE). 

Seeking Fiscal Sponsorship?

Did you know that SVA provides fiscal sponsorship to 26 groups, projects, and campaigns that focus on grassroots organizing, activism, and long-term social change? Throughout the US South, issues related to environmental justice, anti-racism, women’s rights, youth empowerment, LGBTQ rights, worker’s rights, civil rights, and disability rights are being addressed by those most directly impacted. 

If you know of any emerging grassroots groups and efforts organizing for social, racial, economic, gender, and environmental justice in North Carolina and the U.S. South in need of infrastructure support, please let them know about the sponsored project program. Click here to learn more.

Frontline Fund Grantee Spotlight: Nollie Jenkins Family Center

Did you know that corporal punishment, including spanking and paddling, is still allowed in 19 states, including Mississippi? The “legacy of the lash” is a pervasive form of violence that has traveled through generations and permeates school buildings and communities. No child should fear for their safety and well-being in school. Nollie Jenkins Family Center is a community-based organization striving to create a nurturing and supportive learning environment for all. They are currently leading the Mississippi Coalition to End Corporal Punishment as they believe the overall well-being of children is most important. 

Check out this powerful article that centers on a mother who is just discovering that her now 18-year-old son was getting hit with a paddle at Collins Elementary School, despite her signing a paper to opt-out of the cruel method of discipline. This article is a must-read to fully grasp the socio-political context organizers face and why organizations such as Nollie Jenkins must host community events and lobby school board members and district officials, all while working to change the heads and minds of many across the country. Children deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

2 Frontline Fund Opportunities for Emerging Grassroots Efforts

Are you organizing for student power on campus? Are you hosting an event to inspire revolutionary change? Are you gathering young people for healing justice work or reflection?

The Carolina Youth Power Fund grants up to $1000 to support youth civic engagement and social justice organizing anywhere in the U.S. South. Priority will be given to groups with limited access to traditional non-profit funding streams. 

The CYPF will consider grant requests that advance one or more of the following goals:

  • Organizing for power on campus!
  • Engages young people around a social justice issue!
  • Seeking revolutionary change!
  • Builds relationships with impacted communities!
  • Hosts healing justice and reflection space! 

The Stop Evictions Network is a broad, coalitional effort of concerned individuals and organizations fighting to end evictions and create more affordable housing in North Carolina. In collaboration with the city of Durham, we are providing grants of up $1000 to grassroots organizations based in Durham taking action in response to the eviction crisis. 

This grant will prioritize:

  • Priority to rapid response efforts that tackle issues related to stopping evictions, tenants organizing groups, and legislative efforts related to housing justice in NC.
  • Priority will be given to groups with limited access to traditional non-profit funding streams.
  • Priority will be given to efforts led by people directly impacted (people of color, working-class, immigrants, tenants, etc.) by the issue of housing insecurity.

Support SVA

Please make a one-time or recurring donation to Southern Vision Alliance. Your support will allow us to build a stronger social, racial, economic, gender, education, LGBTQ, and environmental justice movement in North Carolina and the U.S. South. Donate HERE.

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